Monday, March 5, 2012

Mõõtmatu lõputu

Kas kui algus on mitte kuskil,
siis ollakse mõõtmatu 
ja kui lõpp kaob sootuks ära,
siis kas vahepealne on lõputu?

Kes end teises ei leia on armutu?
Kel arme ei leidu on armutu?
See kes liialt joob on piiritu
teadvusetu inimene aga meeletu

Nähes imekspandut muututi keeletuks
meditsiiniliselt ravimatuks
Mis juhtuks kui kõik me valguks
või hoopis süsivesikuks

Ei seostu ega teostu see ebaloogiline teadus
sest halb võib olla tugev
aga pimeduse võidab alasti headus
alati alasti

Grave of Trains

Grey cold steel station
rails take and take
I take my morning medication
barely staying awake

Low black sticky clouds
mix with the train smoke
3 unemployed clouns
share a broken rope

Dissapear, appear appear!
hear me in the air,
feel me as I dare
to take you away from here

I leave on steel rails
Let train smoke be my sails
you may follow our trails
but never see the grave of trains

Absurd II

A tree, a bird
I stir the word
with melancholy and sulfur
Take it alcoholicly, don't suffer
I prefer openly
not to discuss matters
It dissolves the matter
that makes me human
a little sadder
Tears, tea and tranquil times
before the spring sun shines
I shiver and sweat away
this god forsaken day
forsake forsake forsake
fates fatal rake
blood is purple in vanes
the Question still remains

Electric Pole (dancer)

Doze away
those who stay
play a weird role

a wired pole
is dancing for
the night all alone

High Voltage!
hold this hostage

cabled to another

Electric pole brother
who slowly stutters
electric dreams to Hubble

zzZz2Zz z2Zzz   z Z zz2zzz

Owl Soul

No one here, not a soul
all empty as it seems
but the night of drunken owls
all sleeping in my dreams

Whispering their tales
to each other’s ears
Silent lucid whales
sing a song of years

As bats, whirl and fall
crickets hide in bushes
A poison spider will crawl
inside your hairbrushes

Brush your hair, oh brush
and let the spider in
Your head full on rush
you spin… and spin… and spin

No one here, but an owl
your trapped inside my dreams
No one here, but your soul
and that I have for keeps

to mr. Owl Nightsoul 

Absurd I

I wait
and take
a little too late
the perfect bait
of love
A sacrifice
I ice
all your lies
come and stand
by my side
The feeling all so warm
as I slowly move my...
it tilts the tender arm
of love
Hate! Hate! She ate
the peacedove and fate
For true love can't be faked
its destiny

I now will date


Drill a hole
plant a soul

inside a solid scull

Make it dance
clear eyed glance

liquidate its hull

Hear the noise
dentist tools voice
as it finishes the drill

Scull is cracked
liquid and

now free of will

Drill a soul
plant a hole

nobody takes the role
...their foul