Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Letters of a Lonely Dame

You can take him home with you,
or he’ll be waiting there
no matter if loving or sometimes a fool,
he will hold you near

You get to touch and feel.
You get to caress and kiss.
You get to smell and see
….oh its all that I miss!
The most in the night,
its then, when my imagination takes flight…
and lands on all the painful spots,
where my heart bleeds from cuts,
no one made but me,
by believing that true love…
can be overcome you see.

I was not the one,
and never was it meant to be.
Full moon shone,
but as it went so did he.

Sore from the painful fall,
the most painful of all.
When its love, in what you fall,
and its in love, where I’ll be forever more.

Like a dark, deep hole
no light to crawl up too.
Like locked inside my own soul
and given the key away like a fool.

But you will have him to hold
and he will hold you close as well
I see you together, getting old,
oh bitter mind, why on this do you dwell.

He will love you in the sunlight,
and in the blissful darkness of the night.
You can feel the heat as you melt,
together – feelings I have never felt.

I guess I will stay like this
and why should I complain.
I will have my own hands, and you his
…I accept my destiny though vane,
and... be forgotten.
the lone, silent Dame.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Riukaliku hinged

Riukalikud hinged
öösel kehast, et
juua tassike rummi...
Nii nummi!

Läbipaistev kleit

Kuldkiharake neidis
tule minuga lähme
tantsime, läbipaistvas kleidis
millest igaüks midagi leidis

Ei mitte tantsupõrandale
ei vii meid reipad sammud
vaid kuhugi kus värisevale
himule hing allub

kus läbipaistev kleit
sootuks vaibaks moondub
see on iha võit
milles voorus loobub

vastuhakust sootuks
süüvides sügavalt pattu
muutudes lõpeks äraloetuks
keha kleidiga taaskord kattu!


Mu sõnad langevad
tasa tõsihilju alla
jäävad vaid mõttelõngad
ja kõik tõlgendustele valla

Sosinate siseheitlustes
hukkub mitmeid ideid
neid vaevu kokku lugedes
märkan halbu endeid

Ennustamas aega
täna on praegu
ja homme on uuesti.

Hospital Ball

All corridors are locked inside
your mind, that’s where I’m amused
Hello Madam with the wicked eye
have we ever been introduced?

I’m Torment and that over there is Death
Pain is late today, but surely he’ll come
how are you these days, in good health?
Well Pain comes with Death to some.

Madam, I hope it’s not too late
have you had that delicious dessert
I heard it comes as a great surprise
your fate’s not to die, but just be hurt,

I certainly like it though Deaths disappointed
She would have had you today you know.
You didn’t know!? New Death was appointed
Just turned 18, a woman, so I’m told

Gets moody every now and then
takes more than one should
Ah, there’s Pain, I ought to go, but when
you need some company, do call us friend.
on the number of unknown